# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Dwemer Armor Replacer Sandman101 Fliggerty 2013-07-20 Sandman101 This mod takes Snakebittens Dumac armor and replaces the stock Dwemer armor with it. If you decide you don't like it just uncheck the esp and you'll be back to stock.
Shield is from The Greater Dwemer Ruins Resource.
The boots are scripted like the ones from HELLUVA armors for leggings and boot...
Dwarven Guards NPCs MMH 2009-11-10 dcsrewster This replces all redoran guards with men with dwemer armor and weapons.  
Also includes Dwemer Armor Replacer by Sandman101 (giving lots of credit).
Dwemer Armor Replacer Armor MMH 2007-06-20 Sandman101 This mod takes Snakebitten's Dumac armor and replaces the stock Bethesda Dwemer armor. The shield is from the Greater Dwemer Ruins Resource.
I have used a script to fix the helm issue from previous versions. The helm now has a script that will ask(when place on ground and picked up) whether...